Which of your favourite fairy tale character, or superhero would you like to be?
Come to us on 27th December wearing a costume, or a mask and be part of an unforgettable joy! You are of course also welcome, if you come without a costume!
The program starts at 3 p. m. with making masks. Join us to the parade in costumes at 7 p. m. and come to the play corner to the mini disco to finish the day. The bearers of the most creative costumes receive an ice-cream, ir a colourful cocktail as a reward.
Gigantic Building Block Park:
Are you ready for the adventure? There will be several hundred gigantic building blocks in the lobby of the hotel, and we will create the Parkinn gigantic vuilding block park for the joy of the children. There will be a lot of fun and our small and big guests can play together.
The program starts at 2 p. m. There will also be dexterity games guided by an animator. You are kindly welcome!