
General Terms and Conditions

1. Data of Service Provider:


Company name: P.S. Hotel Kft.
Hotel name: Park Inn by Radisson Sárvár Resort & Spa
Registered office: H-1037 Budapest, Montevideo u. 3/a (Hungary)
Site address: H-9600, Sárvár, Vadkert u. 4. (Hungary)
Company registration number: 01-09-703718
VAT number: 12793770-2-41


2. General rules


2.1 These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC) regulate the use of accommodation and services offered by Park Inn by Radisson Sárvár Resort & Spa.

2.2 The hereby presented GTC do not include special, individual conditions, however, they do not exclude separate agreements eventually concluded on different, business-appropriate terms with travel agencies and travel organizers.

2.3 If the terms and conditions of individual, written agreements stipulate otherwise, then these GTC, the terms and conditions of the individual, written contract shall prevail. These GTC are applicable in the absence of any different written agreement.


3. Contracting party


3.1 Services of the Service Provider are used by the Guest.

3.2 If the order for services is submitted to the Service Provider by the Guest directly, the Guest qualifies as Contracting Party. Service Provider and Guest – where requirements are met – become jointly Contracting Parties (hereinafter Parties).

3.3 If the order for services is submitted to the Service Provider by a third party commissioned by the Guest (hereinafter Mediator), the terms and conditions of cooperation are regulated by the contract between the Service Provider and the Mediator. In this case the Service Provider is not obliged to establish whether the third party represents the Guest lawfully. In case of doubt and upon the Service Provider’s request the Mediator shall certify its representation right. Without due entitlement the Mediator himself is liable for commitments taken on behalf of the Guest and for any damages caused by the missing entitlement.

3.4 With respect to the health security risks of the activity the Service Provider is only able to guarantee the services if the Guest provides his name and address before using the services.


4. Conclusion of the Contract, way of reservation, modification of the reservation, notification obligation


4.1 Service Provider sends its offer upon the Guest’s oral or written request. The offer is binding on the Service Provider within 72 hours of sending.

4.2 The contract is concluded between the Parties in writing and enters into force upon the Service Provider’s written confirmation sent to the Guest’s written reservation or, in the case of oral reservation, upon the Guest’s written acceptance or signature of the hotel’s written confirmation. Thus, the Contract qualifies as a written agreement. An oral reservation on its own, oral agreements, modifications and the Service Provider’s oral confirmations thereto do not generate a contract or a modification thereof.  Statements made via email, SMS, online chat services or facsimile are deemed written statements.

4.3 The duration of the Contract on the use of the accommodation and services is limited.

  • If the Guest definitively leaves the hotel before the end date of the distinct period, the Service Provider is entitled to the full payment for the contractual services. Service Provider is entitled to give out the room which has become vacant before the original reservation’s end date.
  • Prolongation of the use of the accommodation and services upon the Guest’s request requires the prior written consent of the Service Provider. In this case Service Provider may request the payment for services already performed.

4.4 In order to supplement or modify the Contract Parties must sign a written agreement.


5. Terms of cancellation


5.1 Unless set out otherwise by the Service Provider in its offer, the accommodation and services may be cancelled without penalty until 18.00 on the day preceding arrival.

  • If Contracting Party has not provided advance payment, credit/ bank card guarantee or any other instruments set out by the Contract to secure the use of accommodation and services, Service Provider’s obligation to render accommodation and services ceases after 18.00 local time on the day preceding arrival.
  • If Contracting Party provided advance payment, credit/ bank card guarantee or any other instruments set out by the Contract to secure the use of accommodation and services and does not arrive on the date of arrival till 24.00 local time or does not notify the Service Provider that he arrives later, the Service Provider is entitled to a penalty set out by the Contract of an amount of at least one day’s accommodation fee. In this case Service Provider retains accommodation for the Contracting Party till 12.00 on the day after the arrival date after which time Service Provider’s obligation to render accommodation and services ceases.

5.2 In case of products subject to special conditions, group reservations or booking of events Service Provider may establish terms different from the above to be set forth in a separate contract.

6. Prices


6.1 Prices of the rooms (rack rate) in the hotel operated by the Service Provider are displayed in the hotel rooms or at the reception. Price lists of other services are available in the specific hotel areas (restaurant, medical treatments, wellness).

6.2 Service Provider reserves the right to change its published prices without prior notification.

6.3 Upon announcement of the prices Service Provider indicates the amount of the tax component (value-added tax, tax on tourism) required by law effective at the time of offer. The Service Provider shall transfer all surplus burdens arising from the amendment of the prevailing tax law (value-added tax, tax on tourism) to the Contracting Party following notification thereof.

6.4 Current discounts, campaigns, children’s rates and other offers are announced on the parkinnsarvar.hu website.

6.5 The Service Provider shall not be held liable for prices apparently erroneously displayed despite of due commercial care/ due to system errors and for manifestly erroneous, unrealistic prices which significantly differ from the widely known scale of prices of the services. In such cases Service Provider is not bound to render accommodation and services for the prices erroneously displayed. In case of erroneously displayed prices the Service Provider offers the possibility to purchase accommodation and services at the real price and in the light of the information Contracting Party may decide upon buying at the real price.

6.6 Content of the hotel basic package from the 5th of July 2024: accommodation with all-inclusive service, unlimited entrance to the Sárvár Spa btw. 12.00 on arrival day till 12.00 on departure day during opening hours: covered and partly covered pools with healing water, experience pool, family spa center: indoor whirlpool, wave pool, slides, toddler’s splash pool, children’s adventure pool, experience pool, beach btw. June and September depending on weather, usage of bathrobe and towel for adults, safe in the room, free WiFi.


7. Payment terms, guarantee


7.1 The value of the services rendered by the Service Provider are to be paid by the Contracting Party at latest following the use of the services and prior to departure from the hotel. In the case of a special agreement, it may be possible to make later payment.

7.2 In order to guarantee the contractual use of the services provided and the payment of the value of those services, the Service Provider may:

  • request a credit card guarantee, in the course of which the value of the ordered and confirmed service is blocked on the credit card,
  • request advance payment of the fee in part or in full.

7.3 Currency of payment

7.3.1 The Contracting Party can effect payment of his invoice in HUF or in EUR.

7.3.2 Calculation of HUF or EUR amounts upon payment or invoice issuance will be based on the currency exchange rate used by the Service Provider valid on the day of the Guest’s arrival. In case of EUR cash payment eventual change will be given in EUR by the Service Provider.

7.4 The method of payment

7.4.1 Payment of service fees and other fess may be effected in cash or via bank card.

7.4.2 The Service Provider accepts other means of payment too, such as credit cards and Széchenyi Recreation (SZÉP) Card and based on specific agreements gift vouchers as well. The valid list of accepted payment means shall be made available to the Contracting Party by the Service Provider upon request. We suggest that the Contracting Party enquires upon booking whether the payment means he intends to use is accepted.

7.4.3 Any costs related to any payment method are to be borne by the Contracting Party, i.e. shall be debited from his SZÉP Card / credit card.


8. Terms and conditions of using the services


8.1 Guests may check into their rooms on the day of their arrival from 15.00 (check-in time) and are required to vacate their rooms by 12.00 on the day of their departure (check-out time) except for cases where the Service Provider provides for the Guest’s early check in or late check out according to the reservation or to a later written modification.  The current price list includes the fees for early check in and late check out.

8.2 Should the Guest wish to occupy the room before 6.00 AM on the day of arrival, he will also be charged for the previous night.


9. Pets


9.1 Pets can be taken to the lodgings of the Service Provider according to conditions of the reservation or of the following written modification thereof and may be kept in the hotel rooms under the supervision of the Guest. Pets brought into the hotel according to the above can use the common areas to access the rooms however they cannot be taken to any other premises (restaurant, swimming pool, etc). The current price list includes the fees for bringing a pet.

9.2 The Guest will be held fully liable for any damage caused by his pet and is obliged to pay on the spot eventual extra cleaning fees also included by the current price list.


10. Refusal of contract performance, ceasing of the obligation to provide services


10.1 The Service Provider is entitled to withdraw from the Contract to provide accommodation-services with immediate effect, i.e. to refuse to provide services if:

  • the Guest does not use the room, or the building rendered for his/her use properly
  • the Guest does not observe the security and order of the accommodation site, treats the employees in an objectionable or rough manner, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs and displays menacing, offensive or otherwise unacceptable behavior
  • the Guest suffers from a contagious disease
  • the Contracting Party does not meet his/her advance payment obligation by the agreed deadline


11. Guarantee for accommodation


11.1 In the event that the hotel of the Service Provider is at fault for failing to provide the services listed in the Contract (e.g. due to overbooking, temporary problems of operation, etc.), the Service Provider is obliged to provide accommodation for the Guest without delay.

11.2 The Service Provider is obliged:

  • to provide/offer the services listed in the Contract at the rate and for the period confirmed – or until the incapacitation has ceased to exist – in another place of accommodation of the same or of a higher category. Any additional costs for the replacement accommodation shall be borne by the Service Provider
  • to ensure the Guest is able to make a phone call free of charge to give notification of the change of accommodation
  • to ensure the Guest is transferred free of charge to the replacement accommodation, and back to the original accommodation should that become available again later

11.3 If the Service Provider fully meets these obligations, and if the Guest has accepted the replacement accommodation, no subsequent claim for compensation will be accepted.

11.4 When the Service Provider is unable to perform contractual services by reason of force majeure (point 20), it shall not be liable for the violation of the contract and the Guest is not to claim replacement accommodation.


12. Disease or death of the Guest


12.1 If during the period of using the accommodation-service the Guest becomes ill and is not able to care for himself/herself on his/her own, the Service Provider is to offer medical help.

12.2 If the Guest falls ill or dies, the Service Provider may claim compensation from the Guest /if the Contracting party is not the Guest, from the Contracting Party or from the Mediator/ in the event of the Guest’s death, from the heir of the Guest as a claim of creditor of the succession. Such costs and damages are especially eventual medical and procedural costs, the value of services used prior to the death and the incidental damages done to the equipment and furniture in the hotel related to the disease/death.


13. Rights of the Contracting Party


13.1 Pursuant to the Contract, the Guest is entitled to the proper use of the ordered room and establishments of the place of accommodation that belong to the usual service sphere and are not subject to special conditions.

13.2 The Guest may complain about the performance of the services rendered by the Service Provider during his/her stay at the place of accommodation. During this period the Service Provider is obliged to handle complaints justifiably sent to it in writing (entered in minutes by the Service Provider).

13.3 Any right of the Guest to make complaints terminates after departure from the place of accommodation.


14. Obligations of the Contracting Party


14.1 The Contracting Party is obliged to settle the value of the contractually ordered services by the date and with the method set out in the Contract.

14.2 The Guest will ensure that children under 14 he/she is in charge of stay in the hotel of the Service Provider only under adult supervision. The parent is fully liable for damages caused by his/her child.

14.3 The Guest shall not bring in any of his/her own food or drink to the hotel’s premises.


15. Compensation liability of the Contracting Party


The Guest shall be held liable for all damages caused outside of the contract under the Hungarian Civil Code suffered by the Service Provider or a third person as a result of the actions of the Guest, his/her escort or any person(s) under his/her responsibility. This liability remains in effect even if the aggrieved has the right to claim compensation for his/her damages directly from the Service Provider. The Guest is obliged to reimburse the Service Provider for the compensation paid by the Service Provider on behalf of the Guest.


16. The Service Provider’s right of pledge


In the event that the Guest fails to meet his/her payment obligation deriving from the used services, or contractually ordered but not used services carrying a penalty, the Service Provider – to ensure the claim is met – has a right of pledge on the personal belongings the Guest has brought to the hotel.  As long as the Service Provider’s right of pledge is valid the Service Provider may prevent the pledged property to be taken away.


17. Obligations of the Service Provider


The Service Provider is obliged:

  • provide the accommodation and other services ordered based on the Contract in line with the valid stipulations and service standards
  • examine the written complaint of the Guest and take steps to remedy the problem, which is also to be recorded in writing


18. Compensation liability of the Service Provider


18.1 The Service Provider shall be liable for all damages suffered by the Guest within its establishments and caused by the Service Provider or its employees.

  • The Service Provider shall not be liable for damages that are the result of an unavoidable cause beyond the control of the employees and the Guests of the Service Provider, or that have been caused by the Guest himself/herself.
  • The Service Provider may designate places in the hotel which Guests may not enter. The Service Provider will not be held liable for any damages or injuries occurring in such places.
  • The Spa and Wellness Centre Sárvár is a separate undertaking and is not the hotel’s establishment. Guests use the Spa and Wellness Centre on their own responsibility, in areas close to the pools the risk of slipping is high, and the hotel is not liable for any accidents deriving from this.
  • The Guest shall immediately report to the hotel any damages suffered and provide the hotel with all data necessary for clearing the claim and eventually for the police report/procedures.

18.2.1 The Service Provider shall also be liable for damages suffered by the Guest as a result of the damage to his/her possessions if these possessions were put in places that are designated by the Service Provider or usually used for this purpose or in the Guest’s room or that were handed over to an employee of the Service Provider whom the Guest believed to be authorized to take over these possessions. The Service Provider shall not be liable for valuables placed in the hotel room’s safe or in vehicles left in the hotel’s parking house or parking lots.

The Service Provider shall be liable for valuables (such as especially: watches, jewelry, electronic and telecommunication devices, e.g. cell phones, laptops, works of art), securities and cash only if the Service Provider has expressly taken possession of these things for safekeeping or if the damages have occurred due to a cause for which the Service Provider is liable in accordance with the general rules and regulations. In such cases, the burden of proof lies with the Guest.

18.2.2 The Service Provider shall not be held liable for valuables left in vehicles parked in the Service Provider’s parking lot. Reason for damages to parking vehicles are investigated by the Service Provider and if the damage occurred due to negligence on its part, the Service Provider performs compensation.

18.3 In case of the Service Provider’s liability the extent of indemnification is fifty times the sum of the contractual daily room rate.

18.4 We do not assume any liability for valuables left in other areas of the hotel.


19. Voice and video recording


By entering the hotel’s premises and using its services the Guest explicitly accepts that voice and video recording may take place at programs and events organized in the hotel’s spaces in which the Guest might appear as participant. By participating in the hotel’s programs and events the Guest consents to the hotel sharing these recordings on online and social media platforms as part of its marketing activities. In relation to such use of the recording the Guest has no right to any claims neither against the hotel, nor against the organizers, the preparers of the recording or against parties using the recording on any other valid legal basis.


20. Confidentiality


When fulfilling its contractual obligations the Service Provider shall comply with the provisions of the Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information (“Privacy Act”), with stipulations of applicable data protection law and, if Contracting Party has informed the Service Provider accordingly, with internal regulations of the Contracting Party.


21. Force Majeure


Any circumstances beyond the control of the party, not foreseeable at the time of contract conclusion (e.g. especially war, revolution, uprising, military coup, fire, flood, extraordinary weather, earthquake, other natural or industrial catastrophe, power shortage, strike, changes in law, extraordinary political, social events, government measures, radical market changes) which one cannot reasonably expect to be avoided or prevented by the given party. Force majeure excuses the indisposed party from performing the obligations set in the Contract until the reason or circumstance causing the incapability to exist. Parties agree to do everything in their power to limit the possibility of these reasons or circumstances to occur to the minimum and to remedy the damage or delay caused by them as soon as possible. Parties set forth that changes of the Guest’s health caused by any reason (e.g. accident, illness) and family or social events within the Guest’s interest are not deemed force majeure.


22. Jurisdiction, governing law and proceeding court


To the legal relationship between the Service Provider and the Contracting Party provisions of the Hungarian Civil Code shall apply. In any legal dispute arising from the service contract, the court having jurisdiction at the place of service is the competent court.


23. Website


23.1 Links and references

P.S. Hotel Kft. has no influence on the design and contents of third party material linked or referred to from its websites.

23.2 Copyright

The layout of the websites, diagrams, pictures and logos used, and the collection of individual contributions are copyright protected. Any duplication or use of objects such as diagrams, pictures or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without P.S. Hotel Kft.’s consent.

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